I brought matching shirts and hats for the boys to wear for photo-taking.

They look so cute together!

Joy-Anne didn't want to be left out...

Then I got a brother-sister shot.

The highlight of Ikea is the child-sized trolleys. I've no idea why they love it so much!

Then we went over to Ikano where I bought Joe's guitar and then to the Curve. Mabel had a diaper change, Joy-Anne had milk and the boys expelled their energy at the plastic playground area.

We then went back to Ikea to make some purchases and validate the parking ticket.

Next stop was Tesco to get some stuff and utilise the twenty-ringgit Tesco voucher which my mum won during DUMC's Leaders' Day treasure hunt. But then I forgot about it when I paid.

When we finally wanted to go home, Joy-Anne didn't want to get out of the trolley. Even when we packed all the stuff and kids into the car, she still didn't want to get out.