Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve Dinner

We spent Christmas Eve at home. Stress-free, jam-free and economical! Dinner was Dominos Pizza, Jusco roast chicken, coleslaw (homemade) and mashed potatoes (homemade).
This was the 2nd round - dessert. Cream puffs, fruit cake, cheese cake, coconut chocolates (from Melbourne), ice-cream, grape juice and Sheridans.

Joe wanted to pop the cork of the sparkling grape juice bottle. But I think it was a little gas-deficient so the final pop was kinda anti-climax.

Yee Yee called half way thru to get hear a bit of our Christmas cheer...

Then we started to open the presents.

A group photo before we started...

Joseph was quite happy. He could identify all those that belonged to him.

My dad tried out a new way of 'hanging' Ah Chor's new toy - a portable dvd player.

And this new decoration that now adorns my wall is from Nana.
Lovely, isn't it?


  1. wish i was there!!
    the very first picture: none of the Chan children are in it.
    What happened? Next time use timer lah.

    I like the present that Nana gave you. I think there's space for another name...

  2. I was holding the camera. Boy not yet arrive. And yes, more names can be added as and when the need arises.

  3. i like the present that Nana gave you. really nice! was it custom-made? buy from where ar?

  4. hi, i got the same present that Nana bought too... from church, rite... it's finally up on my wall too. but i like your little house better.

    blessed belated christmas
