Wednesday, February 17, 2010

visiting, keropok and staying at home

We beat the balik kota jam again and got back on Monday morning. The drive home was a breeze. It was still super hot. But up on the 13th floor, I leave the sliding door and windows fully opened all the time so the breeze helped.
my good helper helping to apply mozzie repellent on Joy

On Tuesday morning, we visited Pastor Nancy. The barking dogs frightened Joy and she clung really tight to me but didn't cry. Joe was especially excited about the koi pond.

In the house, Uncle Nat offered them humongus pieces of keropok which made both of them very happy.

At night, we visited Uncle Mark and they had more keropok.

There was a firecracker blast at Uncle Mark's house. I thought Joy was going to cry but she didn't. I had to put my hands over her ears while Daalin shielded Joe's ears.

Today (wednesday) we spent the day at home. Joe helped me to make some punch-outs in preparation for Little Lamb this coming Sunday.
He's been a very good helper at home. Besides feeding himself, He will take care of Joy-Anne by watching out for her (like making sure she doesn't go into the elevator by herself), putting her on the potty and comforting her when she cries.

Some times they wake up from their nap together and walk out of the room hand in hand. It's really a very cute sight.

the helper doing his homework

Joy-Anne will be exactly 25months tomorrow. I'm happy to report she is totally diaper-free during waking hours. This morning, she said, "Mama, I want to pang sai."
At other times, she will ask for the potty to do her small business. It's been a while since we had an accident, I don't remember when the last one was.

She calls herself cutie-pie. And good girl. So her current full name is Princess Cutie-Pie Good Girl.

Princess Cutie-Pie Good Girl says, "All the babies need diaper. I no need diaper".

The downside of it all is that we have to carry her potty everywhere. Joe is very helpful with this though.
I thought she would not sit on the toilet but yesterday morning, she did not protest when I put her on the toilet at Pastor Nancy's house. And she pee-ed in the toilet!

I should buy panties for her soon. Just haven't had time to go shopping...


  1. Are you sure you got the days right? I thought you came back from S'ban on Monday.

  2. didn't u get back to kl on mon, visit pr nancy on tue and washed toilet on wed?
    or did i get my days mixed-up again?

  3. ah my days mixed up. Brain not functioning when you stay at home everyday and don't go to work. Must have washed my brains out with the toilet :-)

  4. Joe DESPERATELY needs
    some of Ah Ku's fat.

  5. he's not skinny la.... can't you see the shape of his bicep.... I like that muscle tone.
    Anyway, if he had to choose between looking like Ah Ku or Papa in 20 years time, I'd rather he look like Papa.

  6. but i'm talking about now.
    ah ku was equally skinny when he was joe's age.
