Sunday, February 01, 2009

fancy speech from my 3-year-old

Lately, Joseph's speech has raised a few eyebrows.

He says things like "I give an angry scowl..."
and uses expression like "swell!"

Instead of using Malaysian terms like "aiyo!" or "alamak!", he says, "Oh me oh my!!"

Just this afternoon, I asked him "what are you doing?" and he said, "I just came to check that everything is secure."

Huh? Secure?

He also wants to do everything by himself now. He will say "I can handle this".

And the latest thing he's come out with is this.... when Joy-Anne takes his toys or messes his stuff, he shouts "Macha! Macha! Macha!!!" and shakes his head left and right.

It's back to school tomorrow. I wonder what else he will learn...


  1. "oh me oh my" - he must have learnt that phrase from Playhouse Disney! hehehe.... :)

  2. so far his comments are mostly from playhouse disney channel. From school he will be using more Msian slang like wah-liau man, what is this, A says Ahh....ha ha.

  3. ah yes....he speaks like Mickey Mouse. And the A says ahh has already started....

  4. Cute phrases he uses. Don't think he learnt them from school leh...haven't heard YY saying the same things.
