Thursday, February 05, 2009

Joe's got homework...I've got a headache!

Joseph came home from school today with homework.
Homework! My almost-4-year-old has homework!

He already finished the pre-writing (tracing lines) one by the time I got home but this little book with the subject "patterns" was taking forever.

From the dining table, to the coffee table, to the study table.... and still not even half way done. The scene seemed so familiar to where had I seen this before???

Ah yes....I sounded like my mother chasing my brother to do his homework years ago. And Joseph was so much like my brother. Attention-deficit, hyperactivity or just plain playfulness.....whatever!

He wanted to watch tv while doing his homework. Well I know kids these days can study with music blasting away so I thought maybe my kids can be good at multi-tasking. But who was I trying to kid. Even Joy-Anne was more interested in his homework than he was. He poked his pencils here and there. And even had colour on his nose, his chin and his pants.
In the end, I told him we would have a colouring competition. He loves to race with Joy-Anne and always wants to win. So that motivated him to colour really fast and was done in all of 5 minutes.

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