Thursday, January 08, 2009

school blues

I'm sitting here in the concourse of the adjacent block to Joe's school. There's free wi-fi to keep me occupied.
Today is the first day that parents are no longer allowed to be in school. I dropped him at the door, said goodbye and he went in with a teacher. I decided to just wait around outside for a while.
Five minutes later, the teacher came out to say Joe vomitted. It was a huge mess. Vomit on himself, the floor, on the teacher, in the bathroom. So I went in, changed him and comforted him. Then the teacher took him for a walk and tried to comfort him.
I told him I would see him later and made my exit. From behind the wall and through the windows, I peeped and saw him sobbing quite a lot.
It's heart-wrenching to see my baby cry. Ok so he's no longer a baby. But he'll always be my baby. I think this is as hard for me as it is for him. But I know he's got to get through it sooner or later. If we wait another year to send him to school, this same thing will happen next year. And the next. And even in primary school.
Yesterday he said he cried "Just a little bit". And when I asked him why he cried, he said "because I miss my mama and my papa". How could my heart not break with words so sweet.

I hope tomorrow will be better.
And once he's settled, I won't have to neglect my other baby every morning.


  1. hi I came from Wai Leng's blog. My girl is also in the same class as Joseph :). I'm sure he will adjust and get use to schooling.

  2. dear buffafly...
    i feel for your son...
    actually if he doesn't like school can wait for another year. it would not be the same. no big deal with going to school early though...
    vomiting is quite a bit of reaction... have to watch out.

  3. Haha....Thanks for your concern HoiYan. Quite a few people have asked him if he was not well. Actually he has been like that since he was a baby. Cry = vomit. He can even eat by himself with nobody disturbing him and all of a sudden he cough and vomit. We clean a lot of vomit all the time :-) so much that we've learnt to look at his face and grab the chui kong to catch vomit.

  4. wahahha... but his weight is still very good. despite the vomit!
