Thursday, June 15, 2006

14 months and counting...

It's been 10 days since my last post.

Joseph turned 14 months yesterday.

He's growing so fast. And learning new things everyday. I realize he understands much more than I give him credit for.

I put his a bottle containing water and a bottle containing milk side by side. When asked where his water bottle is, Joseph grabs the right bottle without hesitation.

On Tuesday morning, he walked into my mother's room. And when my mother started to recite The Lord's Prayer, Joseph walked out of her room, went to the study, picked out "The Lord' Prayer" book from amongst so many books on the shelves, walked back to my mother's room and gave it to her.

After he has thrown out plenty of balls from inside the playpen, I take him out, and tell him to take the balls and throw them back into the playpen. He obeys and throws all the balls back in.

Yesterday I asked him "where is Ah Yee's book?". He walked to the shelf below the telephone, and picked out the book that his ah yee gave him. Then I asked him, "where's the doggie?" and he turned the pages till he reached the page where there were dogs. He pointed to the dogs and enthusiastically said, "oohhhhh..."

I ask Joseph, "where's the moon?" He points to the window and skywards.

Best of all, everyday when I get home from work and walk thru the door, I ring the doorbell on purpose and Joseph walks to me with a big grin and happily says "hehh....heyyy....". It never fails to put a smile on my face.

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