We spent the weekend in Singapore. Joseph's second trip to Singapore. And he's not even 1 yet. He'll be exactly 11 months tomorrow. Back to the weekend... We travelled down on Friday. I took the day off. Spent the morning alone with Joseph. Such a refreshing change from work. We arrived in Singapore only at about 9.30pm. The journey disrupted Joseph's schedule to the extent that he was a cranky unhappy baby by the time we arrived which was past his regular bedtime. I struggled to pacify him and put him to bed. Finally succeeded after almost an hour by which time I was absolutely drained of every ounce of strength. Just wanted to plop into bed but I was feeling too yucky. A cold shower quickly refreshed me. After some supper, I finally slept at past 11pm. Saturday morning, we went to Zion Bible Presbyterian Church for my cousins's wedding. I haven't seen this cousin in donkey years so I was surprised I could recognize him. Then again, it wasn't too difficult since he was the groom. Joseph got to 'phang teh' to John and his lovely bride Justina. Really sweet looking bride. The travelling and wedding must have tired Joseph out real bad. He slept soundly from 2.00-3.30pm without so much as twitching a muscle that I had to check if he was still breathing. Then at 4pm, he started to yawn again so I put him to sleep again and he slept for almost another hour. After that....absolutely refreshed, he tore all over the place playing with the numerous toy trucks and cars and climbing the stairs. Yeah, that's another first - climbing stairs. And he amazed me by climbing so fast. Could even gostan. Sunday was spent travelling. We left Singapore at 9am and arrived home in KL only at 9pm. No, it wasn't a 12-hour journey. There were plenty of stops. 2 in JB for lunch and visitation. Then spent another few hours in Seremban where we had our showers and dinner. Joseph went to sleep as soon as we got home. Tiring weekend it was. Next time we go to Singapore it'll have to be for longer than just a weekend. Didn't quite get to spend as much time with the boys as we'd like to. |
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