Thursday, April 06, 2006

muscle man

heeeyaaaahhhh!!!! Check out my muscles! Mummy says I feel solid like a kampung chicken. Not surprising.....I've been working out. (more like lifting and throwing everything in sight) Got to look good at my birthday party. 8 more days to go...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I think I know you. But you probably don't know me, or don't remember. Anyhow, couldn't help but notice that you were looking for a cake recipe for a number 1 cake.

    Unless you have a no. 1 shape cake tin, I suggest you try a solid cake, maybe a butter or a chocolate cake, and then cut it. =)

    Or you can try Chef Wan's sweet treats cook book. There's a cherry almond cake there which is rather solid. Mixed reviews. Some said delicious, some said a tad bit dry.

    Butter cake with choc fudge icing very popular and simple enough to make. 250g (300g better) butter, 240g castor sugar, 240g self raising flour, 5 egg yolks, 4 egg whites (beat till light and fluffy...can be tiring but worth it!), 1 teaspoon vanilla, 30g fresh milk (UHT also can lah).

    grease tin. Cream butter. Add sugar and beat. Then add yolk. Add flour (mix slow), add milk and vanilla, add egg white.

    Bake for about 50min at 160C. I use a square tin, about 20cmx20cm. It's normally half full...then will kembang lah.

    For icing, i experiment gila. But latest was 100g butter, 150g sweetened condensed milk, 100g chocolate (cadbury, or cooking choc doesn't matter). Melt it all together in a water bath (saucepan over kuali pun jadi lah), cool a bit and just pour over cooled cake. Can be a bit messy but if you have chocoholics around, very useful. Put in fridge to harden the icing. 1-2 hours pun jadi.

    This is a recipe for those on the run and when students put in last minute requests for bday cakes! Tested and proven on th 7/4/06. Hope it works for you!
