Tuesday, July 03, 2007

weekend in Genting

We spent the weekend in Genting for DUMC's children leaders' retreat. It was a 1-night stay at Awana Genting. I hadn't been there for many years and was looking forward to a lovely weekend of cool fresh air. Boy, was I wrong! Although the retreat was great and the food (we ate at Gohtong Jaya) was fantastic, the resort itself was just plain stinking!

It stinks because lots and lots of idiots (i.e. smokers) light up anywhere they like. There was smoke in the lobby, in the hallway, in the restaurant, in the meeting rooms, and even in the privacy of the hotel room!!! That's coz the darn hotel has NO air-conditioning! NO AIR CON!!! How can? Call themselves a resort that offers "luxurious comfort". Comfort my foot! Needless to say, I am never going back there.

Here's the more pleasant part of our weekend...

First we met up at McDonalds Sri Gombak. Here's Joe checking out Ronald McDonald.

Here we are waiting for the shuttle bus from Awana to the skyway.

Finally on the bus....Joe's first bus ride.

Don't I look cool?

In First World Plaza...

Do not be fooled by the pretty lights. The air in here is actually very stale and yucky. That's coz lots of idiots smoke anywhere they like indoors. Coupled with the loud lousy music, I came back with a headache and a stuffy nose. I'm never going back there!

The next morning....I realized I forgot to bring Joe's potty. So I had to improvise keep him on the toilet bowl.

Am I creative or what?

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